
Mark and Buffi were married in 1994 and have 4 children; two biological and two adopted from China. Adoption has changed their lives and focus in many ways, and they have found that building a strong family has become one of their greatest goals. They desire to inspire others to place value on their family and family life. They also have a desire to help encourage families who may be interested in adoption to step out and say yes to what God is placing on their heart. Mark has written a book titled "Grafted: Preparing the Way for Adoption", to help encourage families as they consider stepping out on the journey of adoption.

Buffi is the author of a children's book titled, "Miracle in the Land of Wu." It is a lovely fiction story about a little girl's journey from her birth mother to an orphanage, foster family and eventually to her forever family. It is loosely based on their first adoption experience.

After spending many years chasing their own dreams and ambitions...they realized that their greatest purpose and fulfillment was in pleasing God's heart through obedience and placing value and priority on their gift from Him...their family.