In 1975, I was 4 years old. My mom wrote a patriotic song for a school bicentennial program. She taught me that song and I grew up singing it with her!! In 2001 when the attacks happened on 9/11, I encouraged my mom to get it written down and recorded in some way. I have always felt it was a special song. We did get a simple home recording of it, and she gave me the song that year to have and use however I would like to.
In December of 2018, my mom unexpectedly passed away. I'm so grateful that she gave the song to me. Even in 2022, the words to the song are just as true as they were in 1975 and in 2001. We aren't a perfect country, we have a long way to go, but we have come so far!! I see so much good!! We truly do live in an amazing country full of so many special people!
Several months ago some of our closest friends all came together to record this video as not only a way to honor the memory of my mom...but to help us remember that it's ok to be Proud to be an American!!! Freedom is a gift....and I am truly Proud to be free!